• Past Role Models

Category: 2017 Role Models, Panelists

My name is Phiona Lloyd-Henry and I am an educator who has worked with the Peel District School Board for more than ten years. During this time, I have been an English, history, careers and civics teacher. I spent four years as a curriculum head of English and now serve as the instructional resource teacher for equity and inclusive education. I am a member of an amazing team of educators that are all dedicated to serving students and creating educational environments that are more equitable and inclusive.

I am interested in critical democratic pedagogy and anti-oppressive forms of teaching and learning; I value the development of critical literacy and the integration of student voice and choice in schooling. I also value the development of student efficacy and social activism.

My main interest is to serve students; to that end I’m dedicated to the integration of culturally responsive pedagogy and to practices that reflect students’ multiple identities and build on students’ knowledge and schema. I believe in the transformative power of education – of its ability to create successful, critically aware citizens that are dedicated to justice and peace.

I’m a resource teacher working with the We Rise Action Together Action Plan (The PDSB’s action plan to support Black male students).