• Past Role Models

Devonna Munroe is an Educator and Artist. She earned a Bachelor of Science from the University of Toronto where she majored majored in Psychology, and minored in Biology and Sociology. She also earned a Masters of Education at Brock University, and worked closely with Dolana Mogadime as a Research assistant as part of her masters studies. Her masters thesis “Emancipatory Pedagogies in a Grade 11 Social Studies Classroom”, examined the complexities of employing emancipatory teaching praxis in a public school in Southern Ontario.

Her master’s education allowed her to sharpen her communication and research skills, and has formed the cornerstone of her emancipatory teaching philosophy, while also heightening her awareness of the hidden curriculum. After completing her masters, Devonna earned her Ontario Teaching certification from York University in the Urban Diversity cohort, where she collaborated with colleagues from a variety of cultural and economic backgrounds.

This encouraged her to reflect on how she situated herself within the Canadian and global context. As an educator, she enjoys learning and teaching, incorporating emancipatory pedagogies in her daily teaching practice and connecting with her students in an authentic way, while fostering a nurturing and supportive environment for her students to succeed.