Adaoma Patterson was born in Winnipeg and, with the exception of six years which her family spent in Jamaica, was raised in that city. She is currently Advisor – Peel Poverty Reduction Strategy in the Human Services Department at the Region of Peel, responsible for leading the implementation of a three-year community strategy. Her work involves creating awareness among residents and local politicians about poverty in Peel, advocating to various levels of government for investments and working with the community to implement actions related to affordable transit, food & income security and economic opportunities. Adaoma is a previous board member at the Jamaican Canadian Association and current Chair of the Transition Team tasked with transforming JCA and building on its 52 year history; Vice President of the Horace Patterson Foundation which awards scholarships to African-Canadian students in Manitoba; a 2010 DiverseCity Fellow and member of the Greater Toronto Civic Action Alliance Steering Committee.