• Past Role Models

Tanya Salmon is a K-6 Literacy/Numeracy Coach who has been teaching within the Durham District School Board for over 10 years. In her role as K-6 Literacy/Numeracy Coach, Miss Salmon has the pleasure of working side-by-side with fellow educators at a variety of schools, instilling a love for learning in the students she works with; more specifically when it comes to the subject areas of Math and Language.

As part of the Executive for the Durham Black Educators’ Network (DBEN), Miss Salmon’s other educational passion lies in further enhancing the efforts of the DBEN membership and its partners to optimize the educational experience of Durham students from the African, Caribbean and West Indian diaspora. Miss Salmon believes that working collaboratively with all stakeholders – parents, students and the educational community, to meet the goals of student success and achievement is one of the most rewarding experiences of her educational career.